Long Distance Movers are Busy During the Pandemic
While the pandemic put an abrupt stop to real estate’s busy spring season, the upswing is underway. As states loosen their restrictions, buyers are back at it and homes are starting to sell, and quickly. Another aspect of the pandemic that has several people relocating is the never before seen job market. More Americans are collecting unemployment than ever before, so when the opportunity for work comes along, you bet they’re taking it! As premier long distance movers in Boston, our team at Movers on the Go would like to take this moment to help you and your family prepare for that unexpected big move.
First, congratulations on an exciting new opportunity! While starting fresh and relocating may seem nerve-wracking, it’s truly a breath of fresh air, a new beginning. However, our team understands how easily the stress of a move can settle in ruining what should be an exciting experience. With these helpful tips, and a call to our team (of course), you can keep all efforts forward and stress-free!
Set a realistic schedule
Chances are, you’re not moving next week. Take this time to head to the dollar store and buy yourself a desk calendar. Mark off moving day and work backward. Each week, set a realistic goal to achieve to help the moving process along. For example, week one designate a neglected room or closet as the target. Week two, move onto the next storage space that isn’t frequently used. Saving the busiest areas of your home for last will help move things along without feeling like you’re getting in your own way.
Weed out the unused items
We get it; it’s hard to part with things that are attached to memories. However, long distancing moving is not the time to haul boxes of “stuff” that is no longer serving a purpose. As a rule of thumb, if you haven’t utilized the item in the past year, it’s time to part ways.
Set aside the necessities
If you’re relying on a company like Movers on the Go, being separated from your belongings can sometimes cause anxiety. Although we promise to deliver, we also recommend packing your car with must-have items. This will help bring peace of mind that if your truck is running a few hours behind due to traffic, you’ll have a toothbrush and clean clothes for the evening!
Be sure to check out our articles on moving with children and common mistakes that people make to further help your journey along!
For all of your moving needs, contact the only long distance movers in Boston that have you covered start to finish, Movers on the Go! We take the time to assess, help you pack, and guarantee a seamless journey.
Call us today to request your free quote (617) 545-5353.