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Movers Near Me: The Dos and Don’ts of Moving

Movers Near Me: The Dos and Don’ts of Moving

Moving can be stressful. Here are some ways to help your moving experience run smoothly. 

If you’re planning a move, the last thing you want is to worry about the move! While some people may prefer to DIY their move, there are several advantages to hiring a professional moving company. Our Movers on the Go professionals recognize that moving days can be stressful, so we’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts to help your moving experience run more smoothly. 


The Dos of Moving

Whether you’re making a big move or simply packing your valuables for storage, the actual planning of any move is essential! There are several ways to make your move seamless and stress-free. Here is a list of “dos” for packing and moving.


Take Your Time

We’ve all been there with last-minute packing. This often leads to forgotten or broken items. Setting aside one day per room makes for a less stressful packing experience.

Label Everything

Even if you think you will remember which box is which, your movers won’t! And if you’re not able to tell them where everything goes, you’re in for a long week of unpacking. Labeling boxes for each room or place will help the movers know where to place things. This includes marking fragile items!


The Don’ts of Moving

As with any move, mistakes happen! But there are a few ways to help your transition go smoothly, with the reliability of a reputable moving company. Visit our “Prepare to Move” page for a complete checklist. Here are a few of the “don’ts” for moving:


  • Don’t hire movers without doing your research. Our professional movers are reputable, fully licensed, insured, and experienced for all types of moving situations
  • Don’t move power equipment with fuel in it. Drain or unhook all fuel lines before moving, e.g. lawnmowers, weed whackers, gas grills.
  • Don’t pack flammable items or perishables in moving vans


Movers Near Me: Movers On The Go


At Movers On The Go, we are your team of reputable and experienced movers in Boston. We will ensure that your move goes smoothly and safely. Our top-tier crew gives special attention to detail to ensure the safety of your belongings no matter how far they are traveling. 


Ready to move? Call Movers On The Go today at 617-545-5353! Visit our Facebook page for the latest news and happenings!


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